Stay in Esbjerg
Unforgettable experiences on the West Coast.
Close to shopping, inspiring culture and wonderful experiences in nature.
Welcome to Hotel Britannia from 3:00 PM.
What does the stay include?
Available for booking in weeks 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31.
Arrival every day.
Three nights' stay.
Wine Hour from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM every day.
Three-course meu on the arrival day at Café Appetit.
Morning buffet with freshly baked waffles and homemade bread.
Weekend Stay
2 course menu
Welcome to Hotel Britannia from 15.00
Hvad indeholder opholdet?
One night stay
Wine Hour in Café Appetiit 16.00-17.00
2 courses in cafe Appetiit
Breakfast buffet the next day
Arrival Friday or Saturday
Restaurant Mundheld | see menu
Welcome to Hotel Britannia from 15:00
What does the stay include?
One overnight stay
Wine Hour (16.00-17.00)
The great gourmet experience with snacks & 6 courses
Followed by coffee, tea and sweets
Overnight stay in a cozy double room
Breakfast buffet the next day
Free use of self-guided hikes
Arrival | Wednesday - Thursday - Friday and Saturday